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Little Brambi was always our most sensitive girl and so we were looking very hard for the right home. She really wanted her own person that would give her much love and attention and that she could spend a lot of quality time with. We could not be more happy with her soulmate and Brambi really knew who she was waiting for :-) We get regular updates on their progress together and how very happy the pair is. Brambi has all she always dreamed of and her new owner has nothing but praises for her. We can hardly wait to see them both this summer and are deeply grateful for Brambi being so happy. Few photos are attached...

2016 - Adding some photos from this year of Brambi and her soulmate. I cannot even say how much I love the energy between them. And I cannot imagine a better home for Brambi. Her soulmate is so thrilled and happy and would do absolutely everything for Brambi and Brambi for her. And it is funny too, because PRE girls are just not that common in this country, everybody just brings boys from Spain and so when she bought Brambi, there were plenty of people around giving her a hard time and questioning her decision. And now, she told me how the very same people keep coming to her and asking her how is it possible that Brambi is like this and does so much for her and in such an easy way and with little effort. Brambi gives her big heart and is so very wiling for her soulmate. They have never seen this and cannot comprehend. And to be honest, cannot blame them, because the PRE does have the heart that forms a very close bond with his-her human and it is unlike anything commonly seen and so who has not experienced it, does not understand. I love this match beoynd what words can describe and even though Brambi waited 2 years for it, it was well worth the wait. I am so happy for receiving all their updates and pictures, it just makes my day every single time :-)

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